Friday, 19 August 2016

31 weeks ago my life changed forever.....

31 weeks ago, my many days of sobriety and positivity came to an abrupt end. While I am happy to be back, I am so sad that it has taken me 31 weeks to get into a state whereby I can be sober and blogging again. I feel that if perhaps I had stuck with my progress in terms of the booze, and told my tale as it transpired week by week instead of waiting until now; it may have helped with the process of coming to terms with my new situation.

However, hindsight is a wonderful, wonderful thing! I am just so pleased to be back now, and I am sorry that I have been away for so long.

Having abused my body for the last 7 months: working too hard, very little exercise, too much alcohol, not enough sleep, buckets loads of stress etc... I am really tired. I'm also on school holidays so even though it is only 2.20 in the afternoon, I am going to treat myself to a nap.

When I return this evening, I will start to tell the story of the last few months in instalments. Much of it, although it seemed very tragic at the time, is very funny. I think I'm going to enjoy telling it - at the very least it should be therapeutic!

Until later, folks!

Your friend,

Zara xxx

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Happy New Year!

I can't believe that it has taken me so long to write the second part of the Christmas post I started! I wish I could say that it is because life is so eventful and that I have loads and loads of interesting tales to regale you with, but actually, it's all been pretty mundane. Busy, but mundane. Good, but mundane. 

Actually, life is pretty damn fine! I'm so grateful for a calm and happy Christmas and New Year. However, it does not make for exciting blogging!

At the end of my last post, I was about to interrupt Grandma in order to stop her taking her top off in the middle of the lounge. However, I was too late and the postman was already in the hallway and witnessed the whole thing. He was absolutely stunned. He said that he would've had a stroke but he just couldn't reach! 

Having had much mirth at the expense of Grandma, we left her with my Uncle (he stayed at our house) for a few days while we had a break in Norfolk with H's parents. Living in Central York and being dangerously close to a river, we hoped they might have floated away during the floods, but no such luck! They were safe, sound and (thankfully) dry upon our return.

While we were away I learnt several valuable lessons:

1) It's much easier to eat properly (and even over-eat) when somebody else (and somebody talented) is doing the cooking..
2) Our mattress at home needs changing! Four nights on a proper comfortable bed and I realise that mine is like sleeping on a pile of bricks each night.
3) I'm developing a strange obsession with the World's Strongest Man competition. Yes, that's right, me. The woman with zero interest in watching any sport at all, whether live or on TV, has formed an addiction to big lads in Lycra pulling lorries! Better than H's addiction to millionaires in shorts chasing a ball around a pitch.
4) Downham Market is a fantastic little town to visit by train on New Year's Day when there is nothing better to do than indulge the youngest kids' public transport addiction.

However, I digress, The most important lesson I learnt this holiday is that giving up the booze before Christmas (although seemingly tricky) is the best move I could have made.

Although I got slightly envious at times of the Facebook posts all about alcohol, having a sober Christmas and New Year was brilliant! No hang over on the 1st January with pledges to be healthy and stop over-indulging for 2016. I actually entered 2016 with 40 sober days behind me!! How cool is that?

Anyway, I have no reason to be smug as my sobriety has very little to do with me. I have tried and failed many times before to quit unsuccessfully. It is mainly down to the wonderful website Living Sober. 

If you want to give up drinking, I seriously recommend that you check this website out. If you just want to reassess your relationship with alcohol, then I suggest the same. It is completely free, excellent and non-judgemental advice from people who feel or have felt the lows caused by alcohol consumption.

It has saved my life and I will be forever grateful. If you find yourself reading this because you are worried or alone, get on there and get some support! Even better, look me up! My username is mouser123

I will be back soon with some really interesting, zany stories, I promise...(I'm lying, of course, it'll be more of me waffling shite but I will be back soon!!!)


P.S. 47 days sober and all of a sudden I'm waking in the middle of the night sweating like a farm animal! WTF is that all about? Please, no menopause comments, I'm too young!