Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Day 12

What's happened to me??

An afternoon to myself (I've had planning time - this is the first school where they allow you to do your planning off-site. The Union rules are that headteachers should not be prescriptive about your PPA time, but all schools I've experienced have heads that tell you exactly what they expect you to do in planning time, and where they expect you to do it!
 This one is like a breath of fresh air!) and I'm down the gym running, swimming and then planning like a fucker! Or like a farker for my New Zealand chums!

One of these days, I'm going to be one of those super slim gym bunnies who looks down her nose at people like me struggling to carry my bag through the reception area.... and that's even before I've tried to swim or work out! For now, I'll just try and be kind to myself and everyone else.

I had a very good night's sleep last night but I still wake up tense as though I've been drinking. maybe that will get better with time. The other thing is my skin! I am not a good looking girl by any stretch of the imagination. However, my skin is absolutely one of my best features. Clear, wrinkle-free (ish) and an olive complexion. Cut to a period of abstinence... I seem to be growing two extra noses on my chin!!! Believe me, the nose I already have is big enough for two people! 

Again, teething troubles, I bet I'll be glowing before the end of the week!

Right, I'm going to collect my delightful children from my long-suffering parents. I'll print out my resources for tomorrow so I'm all good to go in the morning and then snuggle into bed with a cup of tea, a good book and Classic FM - Cock and Roll!!

Until later, sober pals.


P.S. My school is the best, I've planned far more quickly and time-efficiently than if they'd made me sit in an office at school to do it. Common sense- it's often lacking but when it isn't it is such a joy to behold!

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